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Full Version: Alabama Rig-Utah Regulations
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I haven't seen this discussed so I wanted to get all of your interpretations on how this rig fits in with Utah regulations. As many of you know, the Alabama rig is taking the country by storm and making all states review their "number of hooks per line" regulations. Will the Bama rig be allowed to be used in Utah? Is this considered one "rig" or is it multiple baits and hooks?

Chad Miller
The regs state:
• No artificial lure may have more than
three hooks.

• No line may have attached to it more than
two baited hooks, two artificial flies or two
artificial lures. The only exceptions to this
rule are if you’re using a setline or you’re
fishing at Flaming Gorge Reservoir or Lake

Even when considered as one lure, it cannot have more than 3 hooks. Interesting concept, though. In essence, you can have two 'Bama rigs with three hooks attached to each rig on your line.

The 'Bama rig can be legal in Utah if you only attach two lures to it or if you use it as a 'setline'.
I see several manufactures are making a three pronged Bama rig for some states. But could that even be used in Utah. I know it's considered one rig.....but is that how the state of Utah interprets it? Interesting questions. Almost seems to me like a rig with three to five rigs attached to it. lol
I too was wondering about the rig. I was going to put 3 teasers and my back one and one of the 4 others would only have a real lure or jig hooked to it. It would be fun to throw the a-rig into a wiper boil. I am also interested to hear what the regs would be. So far when I have gone to order some they have been back ordered.
[font "Calibri"][/font]If you're planning on putting “teasers”, I would guess blades, than the state should look at this the same as any old string of popgear.
Go to Wayne's Words. There is a full discussion of the A-rig, the regs that affect it, and what adjustments Wayne tried to get in the Regs. They won't let me put the URL here, but Google Wayne's Words for the URL. Several guys that fish Powell on a regular basis and also fish some of the Regional tournaments are using them with adjustments to meet the regs. Several threads and a good discussion. Pay attention to Wayne's posts regarding it, as he is the DWR Project Manager at Powell.
Go ahead and put the URL for Wayne's Words. That is not a commercial site, so we (at least this moderator doesn't) don't mind.