01-13-2012, 10:00 AM
Bent Rod talked me into going with him to Parksville lake to fish for Yellow Perch, something that neither one of had done before. The only Y Perch that we have ever caught were by accident while crappie fishing. But, that didn&#39;t deter us at all. After waking up 2 hours earlier than I had planned to, I got up, got ready to go and was eating breakfast when Rick called and said that he knew that he was early, but he was turning onto 58 at that moment. I had to gobble down the rest of my egg sandwich and thank goodness, I already had my fishing great in the truck and ready to go.<br /><br />Met him at the corner of 58 and Tyner Lane and off we went to Parksville Lake. It was a foggy, rainy day, but we had great hopes of catching some big yellow perch. Neither of us had ever been on that lake before, but we got some good advice from Craazyboutbass and that put us in the general area of the fish.<br /><br />We met one couple at the ramp and they said that the lake was lower than they had ever seen before. I didn&#39;t know if that was good or bad. But we motored along, nearly ran aground in one place, backed up and decided to go in the opposite direction. We watched the Lowrance HDS-8 on Rick&#39;s boat and before long we began to see baitfish, and schools of fish that were suspended and quite a few fish on the bottom. We tried there and Rick missed 2 or 3 in a row before he finally landed the first fish. 12.5 incher. Then he caught another one that was only 9.5 inches. Then he caught a 14.5&quot;, 1 lb 11oz beast and I believe that it is only about 7 oz. off the state record. I may be wrong on that, but I think that the record is 2&#39;2&quot;. Then he caught another one 10.5&quot;. Then he caught a bluegill and the bluegill put the curse on him. He never had another bite.<br /><br />I finally caught my first fish after missing 3 in a row. I don&#39;t know how to fish &quot;minners&quot; and I am a slow learner. I can hear the collective gasps as the realization that the Drumking fished with live bait. I may have to go stand in a corner for a couple of hours to get forgiveness. emoBig
<br /><br />Then I landed another one and had a heavy fish on that got me hung up in some brush or logs or something and finally broke me off. I would have loved to have seen that fish. My biggest one was 13.5&quot;. The lying weatherman had told us that it would get to 60 degrees today and decreasing clouds, but he was wrong again. It drizzled most of the time that we were out there and although we had a couple of periods of no rain, it finally began to rain pretty good, wind picked up and was cold and we both looked at each other and said that there will be other days. It was 46 degrees, just 14 degrees cooler than predicted. Water temp was around 46 to 47 degrees most places that we were and the fish were 15 to 20 feet deep and on bottom. We didn&#39;t catch any suspended fish.<br /><br />Til next weekend, Rick. Thanks for taking me to a new lake and fishing for a new species of fish. I think that I like this type of fishing. emoBig