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What is the best smelly jelly for trout? Does liquid or jelly work better?
I have done well with crawfish liquid.

Thanks Justin
Jelly in moving water or where I'm moving (trolling)where I need to lay down a scent trail.
In still water either but commercially available liquids are much more diverse.
No favorite, I probably have 4 or so in my arsonal at any time. I try to match to what the predominate forage is, Crawfish is a very versitile choice anywhere they occur.
I have always had really good luck with the BaitFish Glo jelly...I have like 4 jars of it lol!!!
I picked up some trout feast flavor and salmon flavor. Anybody tried these?
I've always had luck with corn smelly jelly
I stuff some Garlic PB in the middle of my Gold Jake's lure and do rather well Everywhere.