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Full Version: east canyon help
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Headed to east canyon tomorrow and would love any info. Ice thickness fish activity bait and tackle used ect ect.
I've always done well for the bows at EC in the deeper water, but the fish are usually at around half way up the column. I've also done best with green or glo jigs. Try the maniac lures and I doubt you'll be disapointed. Haven't been out there this year yet to tell you about ice thickness but I'd guess it to be safe. Good luck and let us know how you do.
I was there two weeks ago ice was 8 inches most the bows we caught were down 10 feet in 30 feet of water
I just got up and headed to east canyon I will be off the point to the west of the boat launch stop by and say hi. You can fish with almost anything. And still catch something