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I was at pineview today and was disappointed to see dead crappie in some of the cut wholes, I dont know if it is a lack of education or what? If you our releasing fish in over 30 foot of water your killing them it is best just to keep them. I know some our trying to practice catch and release but in the deeper waters there is no such thing. There our many things like thermal changes and air bladder issues with fish in those depth. Your best just to keep them and have nice dinner.

Now the sinster side I am not saying this is what is happening, but I hope people arent just letting them go knowing there going to die so they can keep fishing in hopes of catching more fish or bigger fish. That is like a double limit and is no different than throwing the fish on the ice and leaving them. I like to eat fish and enjoy catching them it just makes me disappointed to see wasted fish.
I like to deep fry them whole and eat them like a potato chip.
Good idea, hopefully I can get into a few and I'll try the "chips" with the family.