Went to rire today didn't catch anything really slow, saw one group catch some that stuck around for about 30 minutes only fish I saw caught. How Did you do Blesko after you came and talked to me?
Took my daughter up there this morning, we fished near Le Ritz Windriver. Fishing was slow for us. Managed to land 2 kokes and one trout. Saw several schools swim by on the flasher but they were small, I would estimate only a dozen fish in each school. Most came by at 20 feet, had one come by at 50 feet that looked a little bigger. However they wouldn't stick around long enough for us to get more than a bite or two. Hope it picks up, I was disappointed in my first Ririe trip of the year. Oh ya ice was 8".
Went up this morning had 1 koke at 12:00 then a school came in and pulled out 11 kokes in 5 min home by 1:00. Had fish from 5' to 30 ' on the vex .
I'ts bad enough that I haven't had a chance to go ice fishing yet, and then you characters have to fry up your kokanee and post them on this web site and make us all hungry!!!!!!!!!
Well, as steeladict said, made it to Ririe today and chatted with him briefly. We arrived around 1030 or so. Set up little before 11 near Windrivers shack. Then we sat around for about 2 hours. Watched a couple old guys come out and set up about 5 feet from Windrivers front door and they had a school come by about 10 minutes later. Landed 6. I got excited and spotted something on the Marcum. Managed to land a loner trout. About 30-45 minutes later the old guys pick up another school and land a few more. I went over and chatted them up after it cleared and they nicely invited us over if they got into them again. Since no one else around had been hit when they did we shifted spots out a little to where we figured the fish may be coming in from. About 15 minutes later they get some more hits so i took them up on their offer as did the group on the other side of the shack [

]. between about 8 or so of us we were able to keep the school around for a good 10 minutes I'd guess. I saw them on the sonar anywhere from 4 ft to 38 ft during that time. They finally left and we had 7 landed between two of us. The old guys limited, and everyone else caught 1-4 fish. We then had to leave shortly after that. I however couldn't accept I personally hadn't finished a limit so my son and I went back out at 4. Learned the fish hadn't been through there again since. One group closer to the dam had a small school come through just before we arrived. I then moved around a while and didn't get much until setting up between shore and the rockpile. I immediately picked up a suspended 10 inch perch, then a few minutes later a single koke. I saw some other fish on the sonar but none would commit after that. In all our group landed 9 kokes (counting a small one that went back), 1 trout and a perch. Saw about 4 other perch in various groups on the ice and all were good size and fat. But overall the reports were dismal for the most part.
On another note my buddy provided me w/ a new rod holder for the sled that I got to try out during the second trip. Put some pics in of it as well as my take home for the day.
Those little salmon are looking tastier all the time!
Nice rod holder. Will your boxes in the back bounce out, or do you put something over them?