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Full Version: I apologize, for my brother
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My brother is bad luck! I don't know how else to say it. Now that I've said it, I am sorry to everyone that was affected by his presence at Rockport yesterday. Friday the 13th.

How is it that I can have great days every time there, but when I take him, skunk city? I have been trying to get him up there with me, telling him how good the fishing has been, but he has always been working. Finally get him up there, and he ruins it all.

I should have known though. I only have myself to blame. I took him to a spot that had been consistently producing for me at Strawberry, he worked his magic. Black (skunk) magic. I did manage to sneak 3 quick ones in before he got going.

Yesterday, it wasn't just me that was affected. I talked to several people near us, and they weren't catching anything either. I talked to one guy that walked over from the east side of the lake with his son because he said nobody was catching anything over there. Apparently, my brother's magic is getting stronger.

So again, I apologize. If you were there yesterday and fell under his spell, you know how bad it can be. In the future, I will try to alert you all beforehand if he will be coming with me. That way you will have time to make other plans. I am posting a picture of him. If you should see him aproach, give up and go home. It's a no win.

On a more positive note, the Nils auger is awesome. Yesterday was my first chance to try it. This was the first time I used a hand auger. So I have only my Jiffy power auger to compare it to. The Jiffy will be staying home in the future. You read all the customer reviews and wonder if they're true. They are. It was effortless. It was light. It didn't smell like gas. And with the skunk in the area, I had a lot of chances to use it as we were moving around. The only thing I didn't like about it was the big slit it cut across the thigh of my Gore-tex pants. Watch out for those blades.

One last time, so sorry for yesterday.
I have one too and I agree, it is AMAZING.
I knew there had to be a reason for the lack of fish action yesterday at Rockport besides the fish just being finicky.
Thanks for the warning.
Do you think his presence could of lingered into Saturday to. Didn't get skunked but very slow day
I was wondering if him fishing in general could affect other locations I was at east canyon and it sucked compared to normal also.[fishin]
You must have taken him to pine view, and unfortionatly myself and the rest of the people fishing were affected by his bad luck. Could you please warn use of what lake you plan on taking him next thanks.
I will definately keep an eye out for him on the ice. Please ask him in the future to NOT WEAR CAMOFLAUGE so that he is easier to see on his approach. Also, do you have a pic of him without his sunglasses?[Wink][laugh] It will make identifying him much easier.
Do you have a picture of the offending "skunk" breeder?? LOL, I want to know who I am looking out for up there.

I was there (rockport) friday the 13th by the dam from 9:30am to 2:00pm got 7 on the ice and put 7 back down the hole, fishing wasnt fast per say but i have seen it much slower. none of them had tags so they went back, I asked the lady at Rafter B how to present the tags to them and they want it on the fish when you show up to claim your prize. there was a couple guys around me that were working on making swiss ice (like swiss cheese) all over the place, I was about 100 yards across the dam from parking, about 250 feet from dam over 75 feet of water fish came in "waves" all about the 15 to 30 foot range but I had more strikes watching my jig fall deep enough till I could just see the outline of it and then give it 5 more feet. used a white jig tipped with meal worm and a smaller ice fly about 8 inches above with meal worm.

all in all, 7 on the ice, missed 3 or 4 that I could not get to stick to the hook.