Fishing Forum

Full Version: SpurHunter, Big G, Mixed, 1-8-12, Puddle Jumper
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<br /> I had heard from (what I thought) wa a reliable source of stripped bass, hybrids and largies schooled up mid-lake on the channel ledges near vertical structure, so I just had to try it out. I talked PJ into going with me with his fancy new yacht and side imaging units. This was in the bag boys...<br /> We had umbrella rigs, A-rigs, cast net for live bait, and my secret spoons Ive been catching stripe on. We knew it was gonna rain some, it was actually a little lighter than expected, but we were prepared. <br /> We arrive about 10:30ish and start the hunt for the MASSIVE balls of bait and eager bass under them.....and we search.....and search....they were GONE. <br /> One small white bass fell to my spoon, and we decided to try another place we heard had a ton of bait. It was indeed thick there, but nothing was eating them. The gulls were hanging over-head, but they were starving from a lack of wounded fish. We did go ahead and net up a tank of 4-5' gizzard shad. <br /> We headed back to the original spot and looked for the couple schools of fish we had marked on the sonar. We dropped four rods with shad down at different depths and trolled around slowly with the t-motor. We could actually see the baits on the sonar, watch fish come up and sniff them, and NEVER got a single bite. The pics below show the action I speak of. <br /> After getting thoroughly embarrassed, we pulled out and headed for G-vill dam, we KNEW we could at least drift this prime bait and pick up some fish. After numerous drifts, hanging around pilings, wings walls, locks, etc, we had a single white bass to show for it. We didnt even get another bite!<br /> Apparently they had cut the water flow back from about 45K to 10k and you might as well stay home if they do that. Sad<br /> You cant cath them from the house.....<br /> <br /> <br />