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Full Version: Tough Conditions, But Persistence Paid Off
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I fished aboard Carlos' boat today. He along with his friends Luis and Carlos wanted to learn about and try some live bait fishing. Government Cut was loaded with pilchards and the range marker yielded some herring, so bait was accomplished in short order. We started offshore and fished between 400 - 800 feet. Beautiful blue water, lots of scattered weed lines, frigate birds, terns working and no fish. Back inshore, we found another heavy weed line with north current to the outside of it. Once again no action. A move to the south off Key Biscayne gave us no current conditions and yet again no bites. Next we tried off the south end of Key Biscayne in 160'. Clean green water, lots of grass, and a fair north current. Finally our persistence paid off and Luis was hooked to a sailfish. After 10 minutes and 2 jumps, the sailfish that fought deep most of the time was released. We had another sailfish swim up to the boat, however it ignored our baits and swam away. The 3/4 day trip quickly came to an end and both Carlos and Carlos are looking forward to the next trip when it will be their turn to catch a sailfish.<br> <br>Captain Dave Kostyo<br>Knot Nancy Fishing Charters<br><br><br><br>