My Grandfather passed away awhile back and passed down his fly tying kit to me. I have never tied flies before, but I really think I could come to love it. Does anyone have some good references that could teach a rookie?? whether it be a website, book, or video. I poked around online and sorta learned to tie a woolybugger, but would like a more solid resource for more flies. Thanks all.
My favorite place to go for patterns and instruction is youtube. There are tons of videos on almost every pattern around. Or at least the well known ones.
There is a show coming up in a month or two held in Idaho Falls where there are dozens of tyers and they will teach you anything you want to know. Watch for that one and go to it if you can.
Did you know that almost all the fly shops will show you tricks or tips on patterns. I know Lance showed me how to tie a rainbow warrior when he worked at fishtech. Just go in and tell them you got your grandfathers tying kit and ask them to show you how to do a pattern you're struggling with.
The Art of Fly Tying is an excellent book for covering the basics of tools and materials as well as the fundamental structures of nymphs, wets, drys, and streamers. Crisp, color photo's are a plus along with a number of recipes for the more popular patterns.
The fastest way to learn is by watching others tie flies. Local TU clubs and/or fly shops usually have tying nights. Old Troller mentioned fly shows… these are "must attend" events for the beginners as well as long-time tyers. The
Wasatch Fly Tying & Fly Fishing Expo is coming to Sandy, UT Apr. 6-7.
Great advise. The Wasatch Expo is getting better every year and will be at South Town this year. You can have a LOCAL show you how to tie their specialty and maybe even make a few fishing buddies there.
Joe offers a great book suggestion. I would like to add this book
Does not show you how to tie specific flies, but shows you how to tie ANY fly. All the choices in material, plus Hooks do matter at times, so the righ choice in hooks as well as thread.
Also, NOTHING beats a good class. Check to see if that is available in your area.
Cool! thanks for the advice everyone!