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Full Version: How much money do you want to win?
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G'day Members.
So here we go. After talking to some people in the know about tournaments (thanks R.D.). There are associated fees that need to be covered to get any tournament off the ground. Permits and insurance etc. With a structured 100 % payout based on number of applicants minus the cost for the permits etc. Will pay out the top four places. There seems to be enough interest to move on to getting the next round of questions. Enter any comments below. Cheers.
I would be up for a $30 buy in plus $5 for big fish pot.
You could join us at the Nevada Striper Club.
We already have the permits, insurance and a proven track record since 1979.

The new season starts in March.
Meetings are the second Thurday of every month at the Bass Pro Shop. Tournaments are that weekend after the meeting.

I will be the tournmaent direct again for the 2012-2013 season.

Send me an email if you have questions or go to uor site.
all that mess for a few people and 1 tournament, ur better off just joining a club.. or dont call it a tournament, just some friends gettin together and tryin to catch some fish. easy
I agree. It seems like a lot of trouble to go through. At any rate, I'd be more interested in something informal.