Fishing Forum

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Sup guys im new to this forum well kinda i have been reading all the post for awhile... whats a good way to learn to ice fish well i went out bought an auger and some ice pools alot of ice flies and lures... Any good spots to learn
Welcome aboard glad to have you as a member. To learn to fish the hard water depends on where you are located and what kind of fish you want to catch. I started my ice career on hyrum and have been hooked since. For trout try all depths and perch usually are suspended off the bottom. Good luck and you came to the right spot for advice on fishing the hard deck and tricks on anyh type water.
The first thing you will want to do is buy some spring bobbers. You can get them for like 2 for $2 at WalMart. They make a huge difference when the fish are not biting very heavy. Check youtube to see how they work. Hyrum would be a good place to start with. They have been biting really well there lately.
Welcome. [Smile] Ice fishing is a blast, and it's total kick in the pants to fish someplace with nice clear water, and you can actually see the fish grab your lure...then set the hook...and reel him in. It's awesome!

We just started ice fishing a year ago, last winter, and we're definitely "hooked" [cool] as well.

Some of our favorite places to go...Rockport (there's a tagged fish promotion going on right now, so LOTS of people there every weekend, and fishing has been kinda spotty) Soldier Creek (one of those super clear water places I mentioned, where you can see the fish grab your lure. We could see crawdads on the bottom even!) and Starvation. (What's cool about Starvy is you can catch just about anything...huge trout, rainbows and browns, walleye, perch...even bass but I don't know how easy it would be to get those through the ice!)

Anyway good luck to you, I hope you have a great time![Wink]
Welcome, Ice fishing is great it dosent take anything fancey, Most places I just use a white 2" tube jig works great tip with worm or meal worm. I always take my kids and its great they can reel and jig and play with there pole tell there arms fall of and they always seem to catch fish. its a fun time, again welcome aboard...
[quote jdawg183]The first thing you will want to do is buy some spring bobbers. . . .[/quote]

ah look at him go - been ice fishing all of - what 3-4 times, and now he's the expert! Haha.
At least we know he learned from a pro! (lol - just ribbing, and HE knows it!)

From one newbie to another - I can second that suggestion. Depends on what you're fishing for to some degree, but even big trout can bite light under the ice.
One other key - GOOD BOOTS!

If you got a rod/reel with line on it - rip off that crappy line and restring it with some nice 4-6lb mono (or line of choice). Also be sure to tape down your reel - assuming it's got those plastic sleeves (electric tape).

And think small. Small jigs, small tippings, small rods, and small bites.

Couple toyz you might like:

Mr Jigger (my favorite hod-holder)
[inline corks4.gif]

[inline jawjacker.png]
welcome to bft dont be a stranger
Welcome, best way to learn to ice fish is to get out and do it. There are several people on this site that have great advice. Take as much of it as you can and add your own ideas to them. A lot of us fish the same waters with different techniques, yet we all can catch fish. Hopefully you'll be adding to the advice on the forum before long too. Good luck[Smile]
Looks like you are getting some great tips. Welcome to the site, see you on the ice!
Welcome to the boards! Great community here.
Nope, I can't take a joke, I am leaving the site! Jk. I figured it would be good to give some advice from a noob who has just learned a few of these things, as the experts like you may not have them as fresh on your mind Smile
Thanks i plan on going out again tommorow. Rockport is to crowded i went two weeks ago and i have never seen so many people in my life ha. I wanna fish starvation but i dont wanna make the long drive not knowing what im doing well, i have only fly fished the strawberry river below caught alot of nice browns out of it. im down to catch anything just as long as im catching something ha... is anyone going out tommorow?