01-13-2002, 05:41 PM
CA voters voted in a Democratic Senate & House. CA voters would mostly agree that the fish have names and live in their little fishie houses watching TV. Underwater national parks would appeal to these. Where the "Mean Ole' Fisherman" couldn't hook the cute little fishie-poohs!<br><br>These folks that want to ban fishing are note kidding and they are FUNDED by THE SIERRA CLUB, THE AUDUBON SOCIETY, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. The TV media, the print media and all the GIANT bureaucracies of the government all support bans and combined withthe enviro's billions of dollars and millions of fools to write letters.<br><br>The college professors get their students to write emails by the thousands. Did I mention that colleges are traditional havens for leftists who never have to have real jobs and then can indocturinate the youth.<br><br>Oh by the way...The generation that fished failed to impart that same love to the next generation. Goodbye fishing!!! Wave bye...Bye!!!<br><br>And "We" have?<br><br>