01-22-2012, 10:00 AM
Got on the water about 1:00 and it looked GOOD out there.Started out throwing a crank with no takers but marked bait all around me. I moved closer to the drop and tried a football jig and got a HARD bight. I set the hook and felt alot of weight but when I tried to reel I realized my drag had somehow got loosened up emoBang emoBang emoBang I use a 7'6 heavy rod with flourocarbon and usually keep my drag tight. Im not sure what happened and ended up losing the fish that I hope was a drum emoRedface I fished the jig most of the day because the water was only about 43 degrees so I thought keep it slow. Caught some fish but not much size on anything. Luckily it didnt rain too much and the temp was pleasant. Saw Jmax in one of the last areas and thought this must be a good stretch emoLaugh Nothing so I waved at Jim on his way out and fished my way to the ramp and drove home in the fog and rain.