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Headed up to strawberry tomorrow evening and wondering if anyone made a trip up there over the weekend and could let me know of snow totals or slush conditions. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
I was up there yesterday. Fished at Mud Creek. Had to walk in about half way due to snow drifts up to 2 feet on the road.

The ice is about 26" thick and slick! It has between 6 and 30 inches of snow on it but be very careful anywhere that the snow isn't deep. One guy slipped up there last week before the snow was on and cracked his head and isn't expected to make it. Very Sad.

I caught no fish. Moved around until I finally found some movement on the bottom at about 20 feet but couldn't get them to touch anything. I was using different combinations of Gitzit's, Ratso's and tube jigs tipped with meal worms or night crawlers.

Good luck. Smile
Went up Saturday with scout troop, every one caught fish, left before crazy snow storm, pm me for more information.
WE fished up there on saturday. WHen we left it had put down 8 inches plus of snow. Be careful around the pressure ridges as they have some deep pockets of slush and water.
Went up there Saturday late morning. Crazy weather the whole way. Fished the SC marina, +1 on the 8" of snow. We caught fish the whole time we were there. The road was sketchy getting in and worse getting back to the hwy. There was a guy who though it was ok to take his Hyndai sonata in there in the AM, he was stuck in the parking lot when we left, could make it out, not sure what people are thinking sometimes. Ice was thick and slush free with about 10" of powder on top, he wheeler did fine on the lake. Headed back wed for some more big cutts.