Fishing Forum

Full Version: SethColeman, Chick, Crappie, 01-24-12, Jason Kruger
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Beautiful day to be out, hit the water around 830. Brought some bass gear this time to try to find some green fish. Started with a lipless around a grass flat and nada, then a jerkbait, nada. Switched over to crappie, which I fished for most of the day. The normal spot is wore out so I moved around, found a nice FAT 13 3/4 in the middle of a cove but nothing else. Move around several more times and picked up Jason. Went back after bass mostly and didn't get anything. What a beautiful day to be on the water, I left around 630 and it was a long day on the water. Fish or no fish it was just great to be out there all day. Ended up with 40+ crappie, several bluegill, drum, and several snagged shad. Water temps ranged from 47.6-53.0. The water clarity was yoohoo.