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Full Version: Utah Duck report. 10-4
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It was a tough day for us. We set up about twenty dozen decoys, and sat and waited. Then we waited some more. Did a lot of waiting in fact.

In the end, after being in the marsh from 5:00 am - 7:45 pm. we had ten ducks to show for our efforts. Wigeon, mallard, and teal.

What a tough hunt. Several times we had geese locked up and coming to us, but a couple hundred yards out, they turned and landed out side us.

This has by far been my worst opener yet. Heck, even years ago when I sunk my first duck boat I had a better hunt than this years opener.

Speaking of duck boats, anyone noticed that everyone seems to have one these days? I remember back when we bought our first mudbuddy. It was the original frame and prop, they werent built high quality back then, but they werent as common back then. You would see one or two others is all.

These days everyone has a 25 hp mud engine, 16 ft duck boat, and of course the trendiest of trends, wingspinners.

Makes you wonder as our world of technology works its way into our hunting, will the ducks pick up on it all real quick? Will they learn to recognize boat blinds and wingspinners at a glance?

Makes me think its time to find a fresh new method, outside the trends we are growing toward, and see if it cant produce more birds, and a higher quality hunting expirience.
Due to lack of water up north, went to a place near Layton for Sunday. Limits by 08:00 on ducks and 1 goose. Would have had limits of Geese but when they were several hundred yards out and about 60 yards up some guys with 40mm anti-aircraft guns shot at them. They, of course got nothing. Happened several times, we just waited em out, pulled the decoys and they left about 08:30. Oh, well, it's the price you pay hunting public land. We'll give the ducks a couple of days to rest and be back at it on Thursday.
The question is, were you out at the nature conservancy? Thats been a favorite of mine for a few years now. I believe some call it the layton marsh, or I have heard a few other names as well, but its all the same place as far as I can tell. I thought about giving it a try, but the last three years its been such a hike to get to the water with the lake being so low, I just find it too easy to hop in the boat.
I was, we call it the west Layton Ponds, same place though. It's still a 1 mile hike to the water. The closer ponds have water this year but, I like hunting the big pond close to the Osprey tower.