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Full Version: got my Tiger- pics 1/28/12
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Made another trip to scofield again on Saturday, so far its been the lucky lake for me this year so why change what works right?
Took my 3 boys and a friend from work who had never been ice fishing before, but was really excited to try it out. Got there at about 8:30, (didnt feel like leaving at the buttcrack of dawn this time) and arrived to -9 temps. Hurried and bundled up and made our way to our favorite spot. Started catching fish about 10 minutes into it, fished in 20 feet of water and was marking them right on the bottom with the showdown. Ice was about 14 inches, hand augers are work now, everytime I go I think I need a gas auger.
Caught mostly cutts, but I was excited as I pulled in a 16-17 inch tiger finally. I've been wanting to get a nice tiger and luckily I did, so I can cross that off my bucket list. We ended up with 3 tigers for the day and my 11 year old lost one right at the hole that he says looked pretty good. We ended up putting 14 fish on the ice total, all cutts and tigers with one rainbow that went home for dinner. Had one cutt that was close to 18 inches (the pic with the scoop) The fish sure look nice and healthy out of the lake, must be lots of forage.
My youngest dude (6 years old) had a blast, he is getting to where he can do it all by himself including baiting and dropping, hook setting and reeling,and he caught several fish on his own, talk about a proud old man! His Smile in his pics about says it all.
Overall the fishing wasn't fast and furious, there were just enough steady bites to keep us interested but the hits would come in waves. My buddy had a good time even though I would have liked to get him into a few more fish, but Im sure he'll be back for more eventually with his kids.
Minnows were the ticket again today, I buy a bag of 3 inch red side shiners and cut them into thirds and they are just about the right size,I noticed they put off a lot of oil as they sit in the water so the fish seem to love them. I dont even bother with worms or jig, just a chunk of minnow about 1.5 feet under some sinkers on a small treble and it works beautifully. Might go again next week.
Hey great pictures[cool] Always great to see the Smiles on the little guys out catching some fish and having some fun
Great job! Nice looking tiger that your little fishin buddy got, great colors! Days like that can make you forget all about the chilly temps. Thanks for posting up.
Way to get another species off the bucket list. Scofield is where I caught my 1st tiger. So what is next on the bucket list? Thanks for the post.