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Well, after a one year hiatus, in California of all places, I'm back in my home state of Idaho! I just moved to the southern end of Pocatello and the Portneuf is literally right in my back yard (I'm just north of the Riverside Golf Course). I have read a few things online about fishing the portneuf...but I'd like some first hand guidance! I'm looking for a nice evening or morning place to toss a fly, any advice? Feel free to message me if you'd rather keep it quiet! I understand it starts getting good south of Inkom...does anyone have any experience on the river?
Your swinging into my ball park now.[cool] your right from inkom up is where the fishing gets better on the portneuf. Ive been fishing this river for many many years as I grew up with it in my back yard and I now have it in my own back yard in lava. It can produce some very nice fish rainbows brown trout and even cutthroat in a couple spots.. chub suckers and carp if you want to chase those. And even sculpin. The best places are on private property but most of the land owners are nice and will let you fish there land. The crane creek access is ok just have to be willing to walk were no one else wants to, inorder to get away from the little planters. Shoot me a pm one of these days and ill help point you in the right direction for some brown trout. And if you want cuts ill help point you the way there also..
You should go in and talk to Rodger at Portneuf River Outfitters. He knows of a lot who have fished that lower Portneuf area. I can't remember all that he mentioned, but he did say there were some good brown fishing holes on the south end of town.
Fishing the porntuf is good from Inkom to Lava all year. I done most of mine areound McCammon area. If you can't get permission on private there are still some good places that you can access and walk or float the river.
I'll go try to meet up with him tomorrow morning - thanks for the info!
Just gonna echo what cp said. Roger is a good source of info on the portneuf, knows what flies will get you into the fish and can point you to plenty of good spots. may be worth investing in a pontoon boat if you don't already have one and you'll be able to cover a ton more water.
I do have a pontoon boat actually! I think I'm going to (I know I said this the other day) run in and see Roger tomorrow - I'm headed fishing tomorrow afternoon. I'll post pictures! Thanks for all the info - it's much appreciated!
From what I've read, the portneuf river on abouts Kraft road down is not so great for fishing. I've tried and only found snags, though I've seen where others have caught at least carp from this area. I plan to fish from Kraft road area and wade down towards the airport. If anyone knows any decent holes to try, tackle set ups to help avoid constant snags and if there is a particular bait to try, I would love the info.
be carful as you wade down from craft road there is some private property owners down thataway that are a tad bit picky about people walking on there land even around the obstructions in the river. (which is legal but it does not stop them from screaming at you and threataning to call the cops)
Back many many moons the fishing from Pocatello north to the Indian reservation was Pretty dang good. Used to wade it from the frontage road along I-86 down to siphon road bridge. Don't think I would want to be in that water now[:/]
The river was really low today, made wading it easier even with the shin deep muck. I do know about some of the land owners, but I also know my rights and the laws so yelling and threats dun really bother me. But I did stick to the water pretty much exclusively. Nothing hit at crawlers, powerbait, or any of my various lures. I think that section of river is so nasty that any fish living there probably can't even tell when there is bait nearby, but that's just me.
The Portneuf is a travesty. I live half a block from the river--right where it flows into the concrete channel--yet I usually have to drive at least half an hour to fish anywhere decent.
[indent]My brother in law puts a canoe in around craft road and floats to the reservation line. He always claims him and his friends catch a fair amount of nice fish.
I perfer to fish well above pocatello where I have sucess with brown that don't get fished much.
Good Luck
I didn't know you were allowed to use watercraft through that section of the river....that would definitely make it different as far as catching fish. I will have to check on that and if that really is the case I will be using my canoe much more often this year!
That is what he claims. I am looking at the regs right now and I don't see anything listed on portneuf about water craft in that area. I do know from experiance you had better know the area you are floating. I have floated a section and ran into a coupple of big waterfalls that I didn't know was there. One was almost 8 feet high. I know the section I fish usually I would not take anything down it either.
If you see an area in the regs that states it is closed I would like to know what page. I didnt see anything.
You know, I've never seen anything in the regs about watercraft either...but was always told you're not allowed to have watercraft on the river, at least through town. Now that I know otherwise, I will have to scout a bit more carefully along the Portneuf and see what I can do about a canoe. Thanks for the heads up Tail-Chaser!
there are nice fish in there last ffall i was driving up alameda road and there was a gentalman fishing pocatello creek as it flows along there i was a bit shocked that someone was fishing there so i stoped and talked to him while we talked he landed two nice browns (14-16 in) that were running to spawn up the creek. he said never eat a fish from the pourtneuf but that a 20+ brown is a kick to fight on light tackle
Pocatello Creek huh? Now that I didn't know....will have to toss a fly in there and see what I get. I've caught some nice ones out of Cherry Springs and Mink Creek, didn't know they swam up the other small streams around town for spawning.
Thanks for the tip Bug [cool]