02-04-2012, 12:52 AM
Took my 4 1/2 year old for his first time ice fishing today. Fished Island Park at the boat ramp near the dam, started about 10:30. The wind was still blowin some making it quite cold, but it died down before too long. Didn't go out very far, the slush was terrible. We were fishing in about 10 feet of water. There was 12 inches of snow on top of 12 inches of slush on top of 18 inches of ice. We fished where someone had been and it was fairly packed down, but once you got off the packed stuff it was miserable, the snowmobile trails helped a lot. We iced about 15 fish, 4 of which were between 16 and 18 inches, the rest were little farts, 12 inches and under. About 2 it just died so we packed up. At one point I had fish on all 5 lines at the same time, that was a rush!