fished onieda today had the place to myself fishing started out slow then found a few perch off a rock point next to the dam fished for 5 hours and caught 20 perch around 10 to 12 inches one walley about 6 inches and broke off on probably a carp all in all a good day at onieda
Great catches and report! How was the ice and the road in? Did you drive up from below the dam?
Great job 232, how was the main ice thickness and how were the edges? [cool]
went threw the narrows but I wouldnt do it again it was a sheet of ice . the edges were solid and ice thickness was around 20 inches
i was going to head to oneida today or tomorrow, is their a better way to get to oneida than through the narrows? i live in logan utah so if ts to long mabe ill head to daniels instead. 10 inch perch is not bad i would lie to catch a few of them. what baits were you usng? thank
there is another way that takes you to the dam but im not sure how to get to that road ..I am just familiar with the narrows but when I go again I will figure out how to come up the other direction ..I was useing a wax worm with a pink ice fly
The other way is to stay on the hwy past treasureton until u cross the river soon as u cross the river turn right towards the hot springs its long ways to the dam from there and I know the road is not plowed passed tten hot springs .that's my ten cents worth
thank you guys maybe ill try the narrows
If your coming from Logan go through Preston stay to the right like your heading to Treasureton soon as you come to the river bridge in Riverdale turn right towards imigration canyon its probably 4 or 5 miles there will be a left turn just before the next river bridge and the road should be marked onieda narrows or onieda dam.
per bassmstr232 says that the road through the marrows is ice and that he would not do it again if i head up that will be thw way i go white knuckled and all. I am just looking for a new olace to fish i have always caught trout i would like to try something diffrent. have been going to pineview from 10 pm to 2am to catch crappie which has been good so now i need some perch big enough to keep.
I think I'm like you - wanna try more of those Ideeho spots, but haven't. Walleye would be fun! Thanks for the directions folks. I swear some of these guys got me about ready to buckle down and get the full-year.... (tax time's coming, right?!)
So you've been doing the night thing at the View. LAAATE night too! Are you finding good ice? I swear the way this winter's going I'm gonna HAVE to head north if I wanna get some more ice-time!
Good luck if you go - love to hear how it works out. Thanks for the report BM.
I think thats what they call the road. The one bassmaster is talking about is from the grace idaho side this side is from the preston side and its a good two lane road to the dam then it turns into the narrows and gets bad. Sorry for the confusion[

ice is good, nice people have put planks on the edges which are needed to get on and off the ice and just like everywhere else spikes are recomended. Those feeking crappie are hard to hook.
going this route i should be fine i hope cause that is the way i am heading, then on the way home to newton and try for a musky.
Thank you for all you input this is my fist day using this forum i should have been on here along time ago
[quote T-Bone72]If your coming from Logan go through Preston stay to the right like your heading to Treasureton soon as you come to the river bridge in Riverdale turn right towards imigration canyon its probably 4 or 5 miles there will be a left turn just before the next river bridge and the road should be marked onieda narrows or onieda dam.[/quote]
this route is the best way then i hope so cause that is the way i am heading in the morning.
thanks for you help today is my first time on BFT i should have been on here along time ago
Yes, the road in from below the dam (Narrows) should be the best.
The little one track road from the Grace end is NOT maintained past the Maple Grove Hot springs. It is a horrible road even in the summer time.
thank you, everybody kept saying the narrows which ment above the reservior not the road below called narrows rd kinda

me, any ways got on the ice at 7 actively searched and drilled for two hours before i found fish a nice 14-16 inch walleye that fell back into the hole bummer but now i had hope. caught a couple of perch and missed a few, i did move a couple more times and found a whole bunch of fish. I dont know what the problem was but they would not bite at all this afternoon i tried so many jigs, spoons, and ice flys, they would come look hangout for a bit then move on tried wax worms meal worms and earth worms.
Thanks for the update. I think I might try there next weekend. Did you fish around the dam. How much snow was up there?
Just remember that Onieda has a bad reputation for gaps between the water and the ice. They suddenly let a bunch of water out and the ice doesn't always follow it right a way. It can be scary. Check that things are solid and be careful everyone.
Hopefully the fish will be more willing next time.
started on north east shore near the rock ledges and around the bend nothing i worked my way south until i was just about strait out from the docks which took 2 hours and finaly got a bite. then at 12 i walked strait west below the little grey building found fish but they did not bite. i think ill try closer to the dam like right next to it next time from the few fish i caught today there has to be some nice fish to be caught in that lake. i drilled a bunch and saw that somebody else had drilled a whole lot as well. lite snow all day with less than .5 inch build up ice is deep first lake i have been on this year that was not like an ice rink.