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Full Version: Flaming Gorge lunker!
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my 6yr old son got this big pig today on FG vertical jiggin ,with no ice this yr we have been hammering big fish from the boat all yr! he is very proud of this fish it was a hard fight for the little guy but he wooped him! he boated a couple others and lost one but it was an awsome Father Son day!
Great memory to have with his dad! What a hog of a fish!
Holy Cow, are you going to get it mounted for him?
[Smile]Thx for sharing! Gorgeous fish- you could do a great glass mount
no we only C&R these giant fish and he has caught a 37lber thru the ice so if he get's one done it will be glass and over 40lbs! this picture is way better than a dead giant on my wall! the secound pic is him swiming away!
What a pig![Smile]
Holy cow, Great stuff.
I know of some people that have that jigging down on the Gorge and a few other lakes for those big fish. It definately sounds like the way to go after them.
Way to go Braden !! RDRRM8E said it best a while back that kid can handle a rod better than most grown men !!!! He's a LEGEND in the making and no doubt he will give his oldman a run for his money in time ...[Wink]
That fish is a beast!
Nice, the swimming away pic its a great white swimming away!! What A nice fish.
Thank you all! ya I had to add that pic it looked like a 40lber when it came to the boat and looked even bigger swiming away! he understands how important C&R is on these very old fish and gigls like crazy when they swim away and he blows them kisss and says catch when your 50lbs he even says it to the small ones!
beautiful fish [cool]
Nice Catch! Ash you need to get some video footage of Braden reeling in one of those big boys! That would be somethin![Wink]
Braden, You Rock the Gorge!

Congrats on another fine fish!
What a awesome fish and a fantastic picture. I'd be framing that one! I was so amazed at the fish I didn't even notice the photo shop work the first time. Good idea on that one! Give the little man a high five for me.
Wish I could catch a fish like that. Way to be a great dad and teacher!!
Cool, that Smile is priceless!