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Full Version: Island Park 2-9
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I fished Island Park Reservoir from 12:00 to 4:00 today. Fishing was decent. I landed 4 and lost a ton of them (3 trout and a sucker). I kept one trout to eat and the sucker for bait. I Saw fish coming through on the camera pretty much the entire time except the last 30 minutes. The problem was getting them to bite hard enough for a good hook set. They would just barely nibble at the end of the jig, barely missing the hook. I had 50+ bites and pretty steady action. Pink paddle bugs worked best but white was decent too. I caught fish on the dead stick and jigging. I didn't catch any monsters but they averaged around 14"-16". One group next to me caught a real nice rainbow around 4-5 lbs. It was my first time fishing Island Park so I thought it was a pretty good day.
[img][Image: IMG_0047.jpg]
Very cool report! [fishin]
Exploring new places is always fun. Catching some fish makes it even better.
Went to I.P. 2-10 at lakeside 25-30 inches of ice 4" of snow on top NO slush. We got 13 11/2lbs. and smaller. Ton's of bites best bait was Small hook with sucker meat. Never saw anyone else on the lake beautiful day.
thanks to both for the report- that's one of my favorite things about IP- plenty of room without many people[cool]