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I was browsing youtube to watch all of the underwater ice fishing videos (I really like seeing exactly how they react to the bait) when I came across a video of Reel Weeds. They are 2-3 foot fake weeds, like you would have in an aquarium with a weight on the bottom so you can lower them down while you are fishing and attract fish to an otherwise barren lake bottom. Someone else suggested using weight attached to black garbage bags with foam on the top and a line for lowering and retrieving it.

Has anyone else tried anything like that? Might be interesting when there isn't any natural structure to be found.
Interesting. The Utah forum had a post on this
Cool post. I guess I could see it taking a while for fish to be comfortable with it, but in lakes where there is very little structure, even unfamiliar weeds might be better than nothing.

Makes me want to go find my GPS coodinate in Ririe. When the water was low on the Blacktail end I found a big boulder and marked it with my GPS. Not only was it the biggest boulder around in a fairly sparse sandy bottom, it was worn underneath making it umbrella shaped. Even with a fish finder you would only know there was a boulder, but it should be a perfect place for fish to hide.
Those kind of gps coordinates are great to collect.

I also like to look at the older Google Earth pictures of the reservoirs. Many of them are from low water times and you can pin point old stream beds and other good structure.