Chris's Tiger,I told him it was my great guide skill with the boat, that allowed him to catch this Tiger.Maybe I won't even catch one this year,but don't feel sorry for me,I can still dream about last year.[

Nice catch Chris. You hav'nt lost your touch. How deep of water did you catch it in?
Great looking tiger Chris.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Very nice fish! How big was this fish? They sure are pretty. [/size][/font]
wow thats a hummmmmm-dinger ! ! !
I must agree with the others, that is a nice fish!!!!
Nice fish . I'm jealous . Chris , you got a secret on catching tigers or what . Way to go !!!!!!!!
Nice fish Chris, and great pic FishCrazy. Nice pose Chris. You don't look scared half to death 'bout handlin' the toothy critter like some folks do. [laugh] In fact, you look quite calm. Perhaps too calm. Is there any adrenalin in that blood bud, or are you just ice? [laugh]
Hey Mike, it should be your turn by now to catch one of those tigers and now you and Chris have gone over the 39 inch barrier so it has got to be your turn next. I guess it was a good move to go to Pineview rather than Willard but it sounds like Muskyhunter did good there also.
Nice fish Chris but next time give Mike a chance, ha,ha. WH2
Wow maybe I need to head to Pineview. I am thinking about it for this weekend. Where did you get that musky at ?
Nice tiger, congratulations.
Good Fishing, Kayote
Very nice fish! How long? How many lbs do ya think it is?
hey mike if i rember right we were in about 22' of water the fish was 42" long mike has a lenght to weight chart at home ( i think thats what he said ) and it should go about 22 lbs we were fishing the south bank pertty much straight across from cemetary point when we hooked up and as far as being afraid i've handled bigger fish with bigger teeth besides the one before this one nicked my thumb with a tooth once was enough for me
Gorgeous fish! Where'd you find her?