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A good reminder to always check your regs before fishing and signs at the boat ramps;

While fishing near American Falls Dam, a local Police car came to check on licenses and saw that people were harvesting trout in a Catch and Release only, 0 limit, no bait section of River.
Locals have been fighting to leave the section of river from the Dam downstream 15 miles open to the special regulations above because of the great Winter fishing. Normally this section is closed till Memorial weekend. A few people not following the rules can ruin it for everybody, especially if it becomes documented (i.e. tickets and court hearings)

No matter what you hear from others that are fishing and no matter what their actions may be, just check the rules for yourself. Don't always take their word for it.

Luckily I had read the signs and knew better but unfortunetly a few others nearby had not.

On a side note, the fishing is awesome for the Browns and there were tons of Mirror Carp Rolling. We were using Hares Ear Nymphs and slowly stripping back.
I am glad you brought that up. It is a good reminder, and that is one regulation that I keep forgetting to ask about.

"Section: From Eagle Rock upstream to American Falls Dam
• October 16 through Friday before Memorial Day
weekend – limit is 0 for all fish species, catch and-
release, no bait allowed, barbless hooks

So what about carp and other non-game fish????? Has anyone asked on this?

Did they actually mean to write all species or were they meaning all game species? As it is written you can't take the carp out either.
[quote Bronco66]A good reminder to always check your regs before fishing and signs at the boat ramps;

While fishing near American Falls Dam, a local Police car came to check on licenses and saw that people were harvesting trout in a Catch and Release only, 0 limit, no bait section of River.
Locals have been fighting to leave the section of river from the Dam downstream 15 miles open to the special regulations above because of the great Winter fishing. Normally this section is closed till Memorial weekend. A few people not following the rules can ruin it for everybody, especially if it becomes documented (i.e. tickets and court hearings)

No matter what you hear from others that are fishing and no matter what their actions may be, just check the rules for yourself. Don't always take their word for it.

Luckily I had read the signs and knew better but unfortunetly a few others nearby had not.

On a side note, the fishing is awesome for the Browns and there were tons of Mirror Carp Rolling. We were using Hares Ear Nymphs and slowly stripping back.[/quote]
And no excuse is going to change their mind about giving you a ticket either. Ignorance is no excuse.
Where is "Eagle Rock" on the river there? I am having some difficulty finding any demarcation on a map. Thanks.
Yes it is meant for all species, not just game fish.
Eagle Rock is just below Neeley

42° 42.713'N
112° 56.887'W
I really wish they would patrol/check down there a lot more frequently. Its a great fishery and with the new regulations it opens it up to a lot more pressure anyways and without keeping a good eye on the "sportsmen" down there you will quickly see the number of good sized trout get decimated by people who don't care about the future of the fishery. I've enjoyed having that section open and available through the winter but I'm just not sold on what the end result will be as I can't see FnG having the resources to take care of that fishery like it needs.
Thanks! I thought it was the same place as Massacre rocks, but wasn't positive.
My buddy is a Cop in American Falls and I know he goes down to check the area below the dam and I know his cop buddies do the same. Best thing to do is report what you see and police as well as fish and game have the ability to issue citations. Call if you see somebody doing wrong. If you see them leaving, get as much info as you can, I.E. license plate, description, how many fish, species, people. Take pics if you can also. Be advised, for it to stick in court, you may be summoned. but your doing the right thing for everybody. Or simply just say something to the person immidiatley.
All good advise but i have a question Do the local law enforcement have trouble writing citations for fish and game laws? I wasnt aware they were able to enforce them other than being able to detain the person till a fish and game officer showed up. I know up here the sheriffs office cant even ask you for your hunting and fishing license and when they do boat inspections or water patrol they will take a fish and game officer out with them for that . I can see complications in court as most law enforcement doesn't get certified or take courses in fish and game management
Absolutely not. They have all the same abilities as fish and game, but their focus is different. They are hired for different jobs basically, but both officers have the same abilities to enforce every law.

My buddy, a local cop in American Falls, Saw the illegal action, asked for his fishing license, wrote the ticket, bagged the fish for evidence as it will have to be ready for court in case the guy says he wasn't fishing, has a witness and has everything on record with dispatch.

On a side note, My buddy did contact fish and game to identify the correct citations and to determine the severity of the crimes on radio. For the guy who admitted and did not lie, he got off pretty easy, the guy who did lie and kept lying, he got something a little more.
Thats great they can do that, with fish and games limited personnel its hard for them to cover a lot of places [cool]