Went out on the Henry's Fork yesterday for a few hours. Fished just up from Seely's. Between 2 of us we only got 6 hits and only landed one of them. It was on a sanjuan worm. From what we could tell that was what got most the hits. Overall it was pretty slow and the fish weren't really aggressive at all, but the weather was comfortable and the light snow added a nice peaceful touch to the day.
The one fish caught measured just barely under 20 inches and was fat!
(I meant the fish, ehhh.)[blush]
thanks for the report and very nice fish [cool]
Thanks for the report. I love that part of the river. Great fish!
great catch. i'm still trying to familiarize myself with the area. i love the henry's but have no idea where seely is. can you point me in the right direction?
Cool fish! Thanks for sharing.. I haven't seen much posted about the Henry's since they started working on the dam.
Is Seely's somewhere downriver from Ashton?
I was wondering the same..is it somewhere between st anthony and chester?
seelys ranch i believe is what he is referring to
Drowning Fly's is right. I think the sign says Henry's Fork Ranch though. It is above Chester Dam.
Thanks Belasko...some work buddies got me squared away...I knew the area but didnt know the name.