02-14-2012, 10:00 AM
It was raining in Arkansas this morning, so Fat Albert was a no-show. But, EricM and I went ahead with our plans to assassinate some yellow perch today. The perch must have gotten the memo, cause they were in a no-bite mood. I did manage to catch one 10.5 inch female keeper. First fish of the day came right off the bat, a nice fat spotted bass that Craazyboutbass won't get to catch again. He is in the Drumking supper pot tonight. emoHungry Then Eric started to show off and catch the most fish. He got the only TARP of the day, another nice shellcracker that was 11.5 inches long. He caught another fish that we thought was a shellcracker, but it turned out to be a hybrid or cross of some kind. It definitely wasn't a shellcracker. Then he caught a couple more bluegills and that was it for the home team. emoBang The lake was low. Kevin said that it was lower than he had ever seen before. You can tell by the pics that Spurhunter would have never made it back there where we were fishing in his kayak. emoPoke Captain Eric said D**n the torpedos. Full speed ahead and we somehow made it back into the creek. By the time that we made it back out into the deeper part of the lake around 11:50, the wind had picked up and we both were getting cold and Eric said that we can go any time that you want to and I had my trout worm and secret weapon thrown off my hook and stowed away and ready to go before the words got out of his mouth. It was 12:00, high noon. We figured that 2 hours of fishing with the fish being so picky and the weather front moving in that we would be better suited to be sitting by the fireplace and drinking coffee. If I wasn't on the 2nd round of the Dream Drop program, I would have some donuts, but those will have to wait another month. emoBig
I fished with powerbait 3" trout worms and southern pro 1.5 inch tiny worms. All artificial. Eric got his fingers slimy with nightcrawlers. We were fishing the drop shot method of fishing. Eric and I had a conference and decided that Fat Albert will have to buy his ticket in advance for the next trip. Unless the sun is shining really bright, he ain't getting out of the house. I pleaded with him last night to take Jane out to the Longhorn restaurant and by that woman a big steak. He must have ignored my pleading. Eric has most of the pics on his camera and as soon as his hands warm up enough to type, he will post them, I'm sure. I enjoyed our trip today, Eric and let's do this again soon. emoBig