And no I'm not talking about the results of having bought that new fishfinder!
I've heard of folks who pickle fish, but have never tried it. Honestly haven't done the googly-thing or the you-tubey thing on it yet either. But I'm wondering who out there has some experience or recipes with pickling fish?
Always looking for something new and different to try.
Though tonight, I'm falling back on the good 'ol fashion fish-fry!
i dont know any exact recipes but im sure the internet does. ive also heard that pickled whitefish is really really good. same with pickled herrieng{not my fav} but i imagine you could go to the weber and catch a bunch of whitefish and try.if you do letme know how it is. cause i always catch whitefish on the weeb but never keep em. that would give me a reason too. it might help slim out the population of those guys since ive heard the ratio between whitefish and trout is 3 to 1.
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Clean fish, place in a crock, cover with plain salt (not iodized), a layer of fish and a layer of salt, ending with salt. This will make a brine and should cover the fish. Let stand for 10 to 14 days, this will cure the fish. Remove the brine, place fish in cold water, change water often. This will draw most of salt from the fish. Let stand in cold water 1 to 2 days. Skin and cut in chunks. Slice several onions and garlic. Make pickling solution of:
1 part vinegar
1 part brown sugar (white may be used)
1-2 parts water
1 lg. pkg. pickling spice
Boil together a few minutes, let cool. I use a glass gallon jar or crock (not metal). Make a layer of onion, garlic, fish and pickling solution, ending with onion making sure the pickling solution covers all.
Sorry yote - but the thought of eating a pickled fish is the most disgusting thought I have ever had.[shocked]
[quote CVfisher]Sorry yote - but the thought of eating a pickled fish is the most disgusting thought I have ever had.[shocked][/quote]
Ever heard of 100 year old eggs? Ah, nevermind.
I plum forgot to bring some smoked trout to share last Sunday. Maybe next time.
Don't know if this'd appeal to ya any better.
Beer Batter Fried Perch, Onion Rings, Alfredo Pasta, and Seafood stew - shrimp and muscles.
[inline "Fried Perch & Seafood Stew.jpg"]
Thanks for digging up a recipe Jazzperch! Zowie - 10-14 days! I presume that's in a fridge! Guess I'll have to go catch some whitefish. A pickling like that is bound to soften up the bones in a bony fish I'd bet!
Might make a trout edible.
i dont have any recipies but people in the midewest pickle northern pike all the time, because it solves the problem of all the Y bones that make northerns so hard to clean...all the bones are dissolved in the pickling.... i know that field and stream had a recipe a while back for it....its real tasty on crackers. i like pickled herring and its not much different.
Hey guy's longtime lurker ,thought i would chime in here. My grandmother used to pickle perch crappie and sunfish,they were fantastic . I will see if i can track down her recipe,and post it.
I have caught white fish from the Weber that I pickled. Get them done then sit down with a box of Ritz crackers, something to drink, and enjoy your favorite sporting event. Emmmmmmmmmm. Yummmmmmmmmm.