Has anyone been t Rock Port in the past few days??? Thinking about going that way Saturday...
One of my bucket list spots to go one day.. Any one willing to offer some advice on what to use and types of fish in Rock Port???
Fished there Saturday. Straight off the boat ramp in 62' of water. Used powerbait and pink jigs tipped with night crawler under a castmaster or other attractor.
Fish 10-15' down. Good luck.
How were the edges?
Check out my last post.. [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=721468;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"]Rockport fat perch[/url] . Im headeing the tomorrow (Fri) Wil post tomorrow night..
Saturday the edges at the boat ramp were solid. ice was 24" thick where I fished.
May go out Monday. Let me know how you did.
Thanks... Do you put about 6-8 inches between your jig and the flasher??? [fishon]

Smoke on the Water and I hit Rockport at 07:00 this morning to 12 degree temp. I rigged up two rods both had Buckshot rattle spoons. One had a Hali chain and glow jigged attached tipped with a salmon egg and the other had a Hali chain with one of Trfishin's glow minnows tipped with a waxie. I ended up with 8 rainbow, two caught on salmon egg rig and 6 caught on Trfishin's glow minnow. I kept 3 of the larger ones and Smoke kept one. They went home with me to give to friend who loves trout but doesn't fish. Plenty of ice no problem getting on or off on East side. We fished in 50 feet of water and down 12 to 15 feet. They seemed to want it dead sticked VS jigging even if I raised the rod slightly they would leave. I want to Thank Trfishin for sending me some of these glow jigs in my last order. We know they work on bass, gills, perch and trout. The trout ran from 11 to 13 1/2 in.
Hey Packfan, thanks for the fishing and ice report. Im always glad to hear that my baits are catching different kinds of fish at many different lakes.[cool] That glow orange minnow has been a great color and like you said they aren't just for panfish. I have caught more different species of fish off them than I can list here
I sure hope we get some more cold weather to keep things set up so I can get back out on the ice as soon as possible. Thanks again trfishin
We've caught rainbows, perch, and suckers through the ice at Rockport.
Rainbows really seem to like a rig my daughter invented...it's a round bubblegum pink jig head, with a blue-and-silver crappie style tube body. Tipped with waxworm usually, or mealworm.
Good luck [cool]