I need someone to go with me tomarrow. My wife won't let me go alone so I was wondering if i could tag along or if someone wanted to go with me let me know.
Thanks for looking just let know. [cool]

]Go anyway, your a big boy. Just be careful and have fun doing what you like to do.
If she keeps on you about going with somebody just tell here that you are going with all of the other people that are at the lake allready and that you are far from going by yourself.
Where did you want to go?
Tell her you are meeting us at the Soldier Creek Marina. You can stop by say hello and then go do your own thing. If you fall through out there you better be the size of a semi.[

Macfisher - Is the road to the Soldier Creek Marina a plowed road? I will be going to the berry on Sunday and Monday but have only fished the Ladders this year and after the last trip there I need to go somewhere else. I have 4wd to get in and out.
I was thinking stawberry? Any if anybody going that way let me know.
Won't know till tomorrow for sure. I don't think it is a plowed road. Gonna find out.