Headed up to Strawberry tomorrow and I am taking up a veteran from WWII (my Grandpa) was wondering if it is possible to take ATV's so that he doesn't have to walk much. Any insight after this last storm would be great.
no one replied soon enough but for next time if the ice is five inches or more it is safe for an atv if its good ice, clear/dark. bad ice is white and weak. 3'' will hold safely a 250 pound person. 12'' they use the ice to move houses acrossed it using semi's!
I did not answer this because there is no such thing as safe ice.
ice can be one thickness in one place and different in another,
I have seen lakes that have a foot of ice in one place and bairly crusted over in others. It is good to go out with others to make sure you can get pulled back in safely if you do have a mishap.