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Full Version: wilson lake fishery ? 4 Ron
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ok Ron, i'll bite
what did happened to the fishery in wilson lake you made a comment about in the perch tied state record thread?
(i'm a bad guesser & and don't want to be a thread jacker)
Wilson lake has always been a lake that stores water for the North side canal system. Back in the days that the record was set, the lake never dried up. Most of the time the water stayed in the system almost year round. Water management practices are largely to blame but again this lake was meant for water delivery. The system is nuked with weed dope regularly. It is all but dried up on a regular basis. In the past Wilson lake was planted with Crappie, Perch, Bullhead cats, Channel cats, bass and bluegills. I am told that there are still some bullheads there. No Crappie survived I know of, or bass. I heard a rumor that someone caught a large catfish there some time back but for the most part Wilson is just a place to hold water. No one should be directly blamed. It is what it is and it stinks but it was never intended to be a fishery when it was built. It hasn't been planted with anything in a decade. And from 1983 to 2002 only channel cats were planted in there. I am sure most of those were washed down stream but a few might have survived.


thanks for the reply
i think there were alot of small lakes/reservoirs that the fisheries took a big hit with the draughts in the late 70s early 80s as well