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[#502800]I have some Cabelas dry plus waders that I would like to wear in my toon, but I have never fished it in cold weather like we currently have.[/#502800]
[#502800]I checked the Cabelas catalog and they have a lot of the fleece stuff to wear, but I am a little unsure of what to buy?[/#502800]
[#502800]I'm not partial to neoprene waders, but I guess if that is what everyone wears to keep warm, I could get another pair.[/#502800]
[#502800]Are there any weights or thicknesses of fabrics or neoprene that is better for warmth and comfort?[/#502800]
[cool][#0000ff]Neoprenes are typically less costly than good breathables. So buying a pair for the extreme cold conditions need not be a major hit to the budget.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I get 3mm neoprenes. No need for 5mm unless you plan to swim with Nanook of the north. But the difference between lightweights and neoprenes is very noticeable. I figure it is the equivalent of about 2 layers of clothing under lightweights.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just be sure to get a size large enough to handle your under layers and to avoid constriction. This is especially important in the ankles and feet. For some reason wader manufacturers design a lot of their products to LOOK good...not for functionality. So, you put on a couple of pairs of heavy socks and then cannot get your feet down through the ankle portion of the stockingfoots.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good reason for trying on before buying.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I really get good use out of my 'prenes the last month or so of the open water fishing...and the first month or so after ice out. Once the water temps get back up to at least 50 you can fish more comfortably with breathables and layers.[/#0000ff]
I fish year round. I do not wear neoprene, I actually wear light weight breathables.
I wear polyester or nylon long johns (Old Navy carried them so cheap) here is some from Sierra:

on very cold days I would top them with fleece pants:

Pair of wool socks and I am good. Get warm, take the fleece off. No sweating at all.

Oh and my gear freezes before I do[cool]
[#502800]Thanks for the help. I think I will try the breathables and if that don't work, I'll buy some neoprenes.[/#502800]
[#502800]Has anyone tried those neoprene socks?[/#502800]
I have them for wet wading with quick dry pants or shorts. Not right now though...LOL
Just remember, no cotton under breathables and they do need to be washed at some point in time.
During the summer, I wear scrubs, which are Polyester.
I wear bootfoot neoprene waders in the cold until about 50° or warmer even. It also depends on the air temps. Not to different that tube dude.

By the time it's warm enough to put away the neos I just wear a thin poly type like FG gave you a link to.

I suggest getting a pair of polypro underwear and go fishing. If that was too cold get the fleece to go over the underwear and go fishing. If that was too cold get some neoprene waders and you will have to put your hand in the water to see if its cold.