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Full Version: Best Dam Hyrum Ice Fishing Tournament
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Thanks everybody for your participation in the Hyrum Tournament this weekend. I had a blast putting it together and meeting all of you that showed up. This was the first tournament I have ever put together and because of the participation I think it went well. Anyway there were some good fish caught with the winner measuring 20 inches. I got to talk with a lot of you and I was given some great ideas for next year so keep your eyes open for next years tourney. If you have anything you would like to see incorporated into next years tournament and weren't able to talk with me, please get ahold of me I would love to hear your ideas. I apologize again for the ice conditions but I appreciate your willingness to go ahead with the tournament. With the amount of fish that are in the lake it should make for a fun tournament next winter. Again thanks to all that came up and I look forward to seeing you next year.



Jake like I said in a previous thread..FANTASTIC JOB Kiddo! Put together well and DERF even enjoyed it! He did NOT want to go because of ice conditions! Glad I hog tied him we had fun and pretty safe..thanks for the elaborate planks! I was impressed with the grab bag pre tourney lures! Kinda cool to choose a lure before you go out.. and the raffle prizes AWESOME! Free chowder hit the spot!
Only one more thing..You must learn to pick the crinkled tickets!LOL!
Smiles Always!