02-21-2012, 02:33 PM
got up to rainbow bay at 1100 in the morning going out to see what would bite since it wasnt i prime fishing time of day. got out to my perchin spots hoping for just that. got there and started fishing in48 ft. had a few very light bites but nothing worthy of a hookset. i ended up catching a nice bow like 30 min after we got there right on the bottom. what a fight he gave me pulling drag about tent times. it was a nice healthy 19 in. we fished until about 3 and enede up with a few perch each and the nice bow we got. the bite had slowed down so im going to hit it up in the early morning this week and see what the bite is like early mornin. ice has a 2 inch crust layer on top of an inch of water and then 4 or 5 inches or clear ice. very soft to drill through and some spots out there have the slush monster vacating it.
thanks guys
thanks guys