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Full Version: IDF&G Salmon Meeting - Idaho Falls
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After a little arm twisting, we finally got IDF&G to hold one of their Salmon Scoping Meetings on the eastern side of the State. This Thursday, Feb 23rd at the IDF&G Regional Headquarters on Commerce Drive, 7:00p.

Come show IDF&G that there are interested fishermen on this side of the State, that also have a voice on seasons, dates, and downriver harvests. Great run coming this summer...
Wish I could make it, but have to work [frown]. Hopefully there will be a good turnout!
is that in IF or where?
Bug, it is in idaho Falls at the regional IDF&G headquarters located at 4279 Commerce Circle, 7:00p. There is a door on the building's south side that enters the conference room.
Wish I would have known sooner, I would have been there for sure. Any news on the turn out?
The turnout was poor. Great information, a wonderful chance to voice our opinions, and hopefully IDFG will overlook the lack of attendance and give us "easterners" another chance...[Sad]
I check the F&G web page for announcements and news releases under their media link fairly regularly, but no mention of the meeting. Hopefully they will post something prior to the meetings in the future. With the runs being what they have been in recent years there is definitely a greater interest on this side of the state.
It was on last week's IDFG News Releases, Feb 13th. I posted it here, hung flyers at Sportsmans, CAL, Ross', and had it put in the Post Register.

Like I said, hopefully they'll hold another meeting for us....
Ah, I'll have to pay closer attention. I normally search the titles for key words like Salmon, Chinook or fishing. Do you know if they publish meeting minutes or anything like that?
Don't believe they had anyone taking minutes. We're hoping that they offer an emailed fishing update, much like they do in the Clearwater region. If they do, I'll pass that along.

They did give us some "projected" hatchery returns, but those are Swags at best.  Pahsimeroi looking for 1,761 and Sawtooth maybe 11,351. They are planning on opening the River from just above the North Fork to the Sawtooth Hatchery, which is awesome.
Thanks for the info. I like to fish a little closer to North Fork so that's excellent news!! They opened that section up for a little while last year, but work got in the way. Maybe this year!!!