Fishing Forum

Full Version: smbass77, Chick, bass, 2/20/12
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Took my new fishing partner up to the Chick yesterday. She is an experienced saltwater and fly fishing angler, but hasn't fished for bass too much. All I can say is she was a quick learner and tough as nails!!! Dragged her up there at 8am and started fishing by CFP to stay out of the wind and stay warm. I caught a few slicks on a shallow crank. Mid-day when the wind let up a bit we hit main river points with day! In total we caught 18 with 14 keepers, including her 5.1lb largemouth and my 4.8lb one. She is kindly reminding me today that she caught the biggest Smile<br /><br />Best part of the day......two boats came past us throwing T-Rigs, none of them caught anything. I tried it for a little bit with not a bite. Still can't seem to catch one on that thing. And I caught a nice smallie, biggest I've caught since moving down here 6 years ago. <br /><br />In my four years going to Chick, I have yet to break the 6lb mark, even though I read all these tournament reports and HUGE bags!! Wonder what I'm doing wrong? Either way, it is still fun to catch bass and have a limit in the 15-17lb range. Hope Chick doesn't become like Guntersville with so many boats, ya'll have such a beautiful lake!!