I'm considering moving out of my 14' aluminum deep v and into a larger glass bass boat. Any thoughts or advice? Opinions? How much more fragile are glass boats?
I've had three glass boats since about 1990. The gel coat surface needed lots of "waxing" and care. The hulls were plenty sturdy, however. I put a Keel Guard on each one to protect the keel when the thing was beached. I also purchased a gel coat repair kit which I used to patch dings and small scratches.
I just traded the last glass boat in on a smaller aluminum boat but haven't had that in the water so I don't have any experience with it yet.
[ul][li]Go glass. Much better ride, less leaks, quieter. Down side, have to be more careful beaching and docking.[/li][/ul]
+1 on the keel guard.
I prefer aluminum. My ugly Gregor is what I call "battle ready". It is much lighter than a glass boat. But I sure love the smooth ride of my brother's glass Trophy. But I like how easy it is to work on aluminum boats. I also think glass boats require larger motors.
If you have a truck with plenty of power to pull a glass and you boat in bigger deeper water, then go glass. If your towing rig is lighter duity and you like to meander up rivers, go aluminuim.
I stopped of at Petersen Marine today for some parts and they had a sweet 17 foot glass Boston Wailer there ... $27,000!! Man, if I were a rich man, that boat would be mine.