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CONCORD, N.H. -- The winners of New Hampshire's 2011 Trophy Fish Program

have been announced by Don Miller, Fisheries Biologist and Trophy Fish<br />
Program Coordinator for the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. The<br />
program gives fishing enthusiasts of all ages an opportunity to receive<br />
recognition, while providing biologists with important information on the<br />
state's fisheries over time. The Trophy Fish Program was created in the<br />
1970s, although the state's record fish information dates back to 1911.<br />
"Over the years, through the Trophy Fish Program, we have received valuable<br />
data on fish populations not normally reported to us," Don Miller noted.<br />
"And almost every year, a new state record is reported, which says a lot<br />
about New Hampshire's fisheries."

All successful applicants receive a "Trophy Fish" shoulder patch. Then, each<br />
February, the person who caught the largest fish in each species category is<br />
presented with a special certificate.<br />
There are 22 freshwater species and seven saltwater species categories for<br />
both kept and released fish. All ages and all legal methods of angling are<br />

During 2011, 15 categories of "catch and release" species and eleven<br />
categories of "kept" fish were represented in Trophy Program entries, and<br />
five state records were set. It was notable that of the 75 entrants, 19<br />
anglers (or 25%) were under 20 years old. And these kids are serious<br />
anglers! Eight-year-old David King of Manchester caught a 9-pound, 3-ounce,<br />
33-inch long cusk while ice-fishing on Lake Winnipesaukee. Nine-year-old<br />
Christopher Richardson of Springfield, N.H., set a new record for channel<br />
catfish when he reeled in his 11-pound, 3.52-ounce fish from the Connecticut<br />

Eight-year-old Mary Elaine Algeo of Rindge brought home a trophy largemouth<br />
bass that weighed in at 5 pounds, 8.64 ounces and measured 22.25 inches in<br />
length, from Pearly Pond in Rindge. Nineteen-year-old Molly Metivier of<br />
Keene trolled Willard Pond in Antrim and came up with a state-record tiger<br />
trout weighing 3 lbs., 8.64 oz. and measuring 20 inches in length.

Greg Whitmore of Barrington and Steve Whitmore of Hooksett both caught and<br />
released 25-inch-long Eastern chain pickerel a month apart on the Lamprey<br />
River and tied for top spot in their category.

A new state record for pumpkinseed was set and matched this year. Back in<br />
2010, John Viar, a Fish and Game fisheries biologist in the Lakes Region,<br />
tied two existing records with his catch of a 9.5-inch-long, 12.48-ounce<br />
pumpkinseed. His father, James Viar, had caught his record pumpkinseed back<br />
in 2005, tying the 1984 record of Marcel LeBel. Three fish with the same<br />
weight and lengths - spanning 26 years - had tied for State Record! But in<br />
March of 2011, Fish and Game's Mark Beauchesne broke the long-standing tie<br />
with a new state-record pumpkinseed out of Lake Winnipesaukee, weighing in<br />
at 13.6 ounces. The story doesn't end there! John Viar came back in November<br />
and again tied the record with his own 13.6-ounce pumpkinseed from Lake<br />

A complete listing of all entries, plus links to application forms, rules,<br />
records and winners from past years can be found at<br />