Fishing Forum

Full Version: KYBoy, Nickajack, Crappie, Largmouth Bass, Bluegill, Yellow Perch, Stripebass, 2/26/12, Cam
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Got on the water for the first time this year today. Got a late start hit the water around 3:00 PM. Fished a open water brush pile in 10-12 foot of water but no takers there. Moved to a couple of boat dock where we caught crappie last year but the wind had the water muddied up but Cam did catch a 10" yellow perch there and had a big fish take his jig and run under the boat only to pull off before we could see it. Moved out to a bluff and tryed deeper water for the next hour we never got a bite. Decided to head back toward the boatramp and a couple more docks we fish. We got to the dock and started fishing the outside edges when I caught a 1.5 lb Largemouth on the first cast, we caught 3 more bass as we fished the outside edge. We moved in and started to shoot the dock and on the first cast to the inside corner on a 4 coount I felt the line go heavy and set the hook. The first crappie of the year was on the line a 13" white crappie, Cam shot his jig into the spot and he hooked up on a 11" crappie then back I went and another 11" crappie took my jig and ran around the post it took a few seconds to get it unwound and in the box it went. We cast several more time without a bite so we moved to the other side to see if there where any more at home we picked up 4 nice bluegills but not another crappie. By this time the sun had moved behind the mountain ad the temp had dropped. We went to another couple of docks close to where we put in and caught another bluegill and a largemouth bass. We where talking about calling it a day when cam shot his jig to the outside post of the dock and let it fall for a count od 3 and begain a slow retrive when he gets a hit and sets the hook. His rod bends double and the drag sings out, I get the net and he bring the fish to the boat and it is a 3 LB stripe. This bring the total for the day to 5 Largmouth bass, 5 Bluegills, 1 Yellow Perch and a stripper. Not bad for a short afternoon trip of 3 hours. All the fish wher caught on BG Pearl white on 1/16 head on a 3-5 count in 5-8 foot of water. Also we noticed that if the water was stained to a light tea or darker we could not get a bite but where it was clear enough to see to 3 foot or more we caught fish. Hope to get up to the Chick later this week and hit some of the places we catch crappie this time of year.