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[cool]I finally got tired practicing my "wing shooting" game from a couple of days ago. Thought I would share some pics I just got.
Verry funny -- thanks for sharing.
Tubie, funny posts. Fishin a little slow in the Melanoma State?????????LMAO

Good Humor, Kayote
Ha, ha. Thanks for the pics TD. Very funny indeed.
TD all I can say is [#ff0000][size 6]OUCH![/size][/#ff0000]
I needed a good laugh thanks TD
cool pics, I like #1 the best. later chuck
[cool]Hey, Special K, whaddayamean..."melanoma state"? I'll have ya know that Australia has us beat for the highest rate of skin cancer. Of course, they got more kangaroos too.

Things have been a bit dry here. It's gettin' so's we gotta take our fishin' however we can get it. I haven't been postin' many pics during the hot weather, but I am attaching one of my last Blacktop Lake. It is one of the largest bodies of water we have left.

Hey, all you other folks. Glad you liked the pics. It's good to laugh...before you cry. And...A SENSE OF HUMOR IS BETTER THAN NO SENSE AT ALL.
Great pics Tube, We can always count on you for a great laugh
Too funny! Where do you come up with all these! Are you an expert with Fireworks, or do you find them out on the web! We can always count on you for a good laugh!
Nice pictures tube dude. We all laughed ourselves silly here at work.
[cool]Hey, Koke Dude, welcome aboard and glad you liked the pics.

Cat_man, I have several humor newsletters I receive and I am also on the circulation list for several other jokester types. That particular batch came from Dan Rock, who works up there at ACS. He is plugged in to a lot of different sources and I can always count on getting only "A" material from him. Well, that's not true. Sometimes there is some "R" rated stuff too.

I actually treat humor as a well organized hobby. I have computer files of both written and image humor...all categorized for quick reference. It's good that I have a huge hard drive, because my jokes, puns, pics and cartoons take up a lot of "giggle-bytes".

Even worse, I have a "pornographic memory". I remember jokes well and have them organized and categorized in my mental database too. I claim that I have a repertoire of 3,412 jokes in my memory. You don't wanna be riding with me on a long trip to a fishing spot when I have total recall.
LOL. Wish I had a good memory. My grandmother has severe alzheimer's right now and she refuses to see a doctor. My wife thinks it's genetic and that I am already developing symptoms. lol. It's true though, I can say something and 5 minutes later totally forget about it. It's frustrating sometimes(yet I can remember details of fishing trips years ago like they happened this morning! go figure)
[cool]Hey, Cat_man, that is a classic symptom of "fishteimers" disease. We remember every time we went fishing, but quickly delete nonessential memories from our mental database. That includes things like "honey-do's" and shopping lists.

I am not a sexist (right, Honey?), but I do have a theory that there are gender differences in the human memory capacities. As already established, men can remember important fishing...but forget most of the nonimportant stuff. Women, on the other hand, are just the opposite. They forget to pack your lunch for a fishing trip (important). But, they can remember everything you ever said or did for the last hundred years...whenever there is a disagreement of any kind (unimportant).

When my father passed away, this past August, it was heartrending to see what alxheimers can do to someone. As the end approached, he was unable to even recognize his wife of 57 years. That is one ailment that is harder on the rest of the family than on the patient.

But, don't let a little thing like short term memory problems concern you. That happens to all of us from time to time. It is especially common in individuals like yourself, who have busy schedules and tend to run out of hours before they run out of things to do. At least I think it does. I can't remember.
I have a great idea then! I should call in sick to work tomorrow, telling them I have a sevier case of fishteimers disease. Then, I can go "cure" myself by going out fishing somewhere! Sounds like a great plan to me! It would work, except for the fact that I need the money. Oh well, I can always dream. Good thing I found BFT and all the great people here like yourself so I don't go completetly insane!

BTW, I your theory sounds rock solid to me. It might be a stereotype, but just try and find a man or woman where it doesn't apply! [cool]

(P.S. I know my grandma will be headed that way soon. I'm sorry for your loss. Physically, she's as active as can be, but mentally she's going fast.)
It is all about priorities . . . One of my fishing buddies was trying to get ahold of my and my wife answered instead. Once she figured out who was on the other end of the line, she asked, "Is this about fishing, or something important?"

Flabergasted at her response he said, "It is about fishing and yes it is important."

Really, what is it about wives and fishing, they just don't know how important it is to our sanity.