03-04-2012, 10:00 AM
My friend for VA and I hit the lake again today and other then the high winds that came and went all day long we had a very nice day. No rain or tornadoes thank goodness. We tried a lot of different patterns both deep and shallow. Put seventeen bass in the boat today and had some pretty nice ones but no big kicker.
Needed a kicker or two to get our weight on up there. Put three in the boat over three lbs each but none of them were over three and a half pounds. Also had a couple more good solid two and a halfers. Out best five would have been around 14.5 lbs. Not great for what it has been taking to win a tournament but we had fun today catching them. Our baits of success were traps, spinner baits, shakeys and jerks. Most bass came from less then five foot. The deepest was about 14 feet. We also lost about six others and no telling how many we missed. emoScratch Seemed like a lot of them would just slap at it. I am looking forward to the top water (spook) bite turning on. I did not throw it today but should not be much longer if it stays warm like this. The only thing that made today cool was that stupid wind. Man, did it ever blow today out on that water. I bet when I try to sleep tonight my bed will still feel like it is moving. emoRolleyes Jmax