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Full Version: Utah Lake & Sandy Pond 3-4
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Utah Lake - My twin and I met up with UWN's Tylert at the American Fork Harbor at 9:30am. We headed for bubble up. My twin and I each landed a white bass and I lost one (the scale left over on the hook was a total give away). We cruised around the bubble up an then hit the lindon harbor. Marked few fish here and there but no biters. We headed back to the bubble up and didn't get any bites. So we traveled to the American Fork inlet and no fish were there so we hit the reeds between AF harbor and Lindon. I snagged a 3 pound carp and Tylert and my twin struggled to get it in the net. I tightned the drag to get it closer and it dove under the boat. SNAP the beast got away!

We headed to the AF Harbor and dinked around a bit before calling it quits. I got a bite right off the boat ramp though. We were using little hustlers in red/green and silver/pink tipped with nightcrawlers. We tried various spinners and crankbaits with no bites. We saw BFT's TroutBumDave at Lindon on his pontoon and Sketchy 801 at AF Harbor at the ramp. No other anglers even admitted to catching any fish today.

Sandy Pond - Hoping for the brood stockers from the fall I spent an hour or 2 throwing big rapalas. Then I noticed bluegills hanging around the dock. So I threw on my ice fly and started jiging. I got over 50 bites and landed 3 bluegills. Several shook off during the hoist. I released all the gills. The ice fly was glow/pink/tiger with a tiny bit of nightcrawler.

Me holding up the White Bass of the day
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The 3 Bluegill's of Sandy Pond
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It was good to meet you guys... Thanks again for helping with my boat... [#800000]Deleted[/#800000], I can't believe you guys didn't land any browns at sandy... I'm telling you guys, worm on a hook, that simple... Hahahaha...
I hung around the north shore of Lindon Marina and finally got into a school of whitey's. Had a monster fish take a perch imitation fly right as it hit the water -- I was in real rough cover and he went right to the reeds. I worked him for a few minutes until he broke off. I bet people could hear me swearing on the other side of the lake. No idea what it was, but I'm totally claiming Northern Pike... =)
It was great to have met with you man. We shall fish together soon. I am glad that my twin and I took some pity on you and decided to help you with that boat. PM sent dude!
Great to have seen you again. This time we will remember you. How many fish did ya land? We saw a few boats head out your direction and we lost a few lures to the brush in that area as well. We only marked a few schools but dam they were on the move.
I probably landed 25 or so? They came out of nowhere, and all of a sudden, they were gone. I did see a lot of boats in there, but I didn't see anyone catch anything. I do enjoy landing fish after fish in front of those dudes in expensive bass boats. I'm not sure why -- probably because I'm a [#ff0000]Deleted[/#ff0000].
Ha it is even better when your on shore and your nailin all the fishy's and the boaters aint getting nothin!

When the bouys return to bubble up I will be there on my toon. No motor for me though. Way easier to find it with them in the water though!