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Full Version: Lake Mead 03/04
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SKUNKFEST! What a nice day on the lake! Forgot my sunblock so now I am three shades of red from head to toe. Dropped in at boulder and we hit some of the typical spots on the way down to Govt wash. Light top water action in the coves, no love though. Didn't really even see any threadfin shad. Got down to the wash and there were about 10 boats down near the inlet, looked like a couple boats were doing okay out in the middle either dropping chovies or using live bait.

There was a ton of Gizzard shad jumping all over the place, big ones! At first I thought we were getting into a couple of good boils but after a few minutes i realized they were all gizzard. Is that normal? I have been fishing mead for well over two years and would see the occasional gizzard but not in mass quantities like Sunday. Either their population is taking off or I seriously have to quit drinking while i am fishing.

Also, i picked up a cast net on Saturday. Tossed it for about an hour with no love. Got it down pretty good so that is spreads evenly but i couldnt get a shad in it. Any suggestions on locations, times, or methods? Talked to a few other guys with nets that had no luck also but its always good to learn more.
You might have seen me and my bro in the wash. We were in a 14ft aluminum, and we were pulling them in on anchovies on the bottom, and one trolling. Caught 5 total with the biggest being over 4 pounds and full of eggs. We saw the owner from Pro Tackle out there going for smallies but he said he had no luck. [inline DSCF1730.JPG]
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Man that sucks... Been down to the river lately??? I'm dying to go man haha.... Hoping to have my boat by the end of the week just looking for the right one or two lol... Might end up with a bigger family boat since I got 3 kids and a smaller aluminum one for me and the boy to hit willow on the early mornings while momma and the 2 other baby girls are sleeping... I can't justify towing a big 20'+ boat down there and gas for me and my son...Wink
I took a short reprieve from the river, was on a slump not having much luck and with the cost of gas to there I opted to take a break. Had to sell my boat too so im kind of at the mercy of going where one of my friends wants to go. Hopefully I'll have a new boat in April though.

I tell ya though my weekends are always open, kids go to their mom's house so if you ever need another pole in the boat hit me up! PM me on here and i'll shoot you my cell #. Im pretty much in a body of water between here and Utah every weekend.

Playa702 - Yeah i saw you guys down there, looks like you did alright. Talking to a couple other people down there chovies off the bottom seems to be the ticket right now.
For sure man I will... You prolly know the river better than me and I will always need help landing a pig if it ever wishfull thinking huh?? Haha... Nothing like doubling the odds anyways... I'm tired of seeing pix I wanna see one come out of there wether its mine or not...[fishon]