Fishing Forum

Full Version: adamsguidesvc, Nick-a-jack, Bass, 3/6/12
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Tuesday March 6 I have a trip coming up on Nickajack Lake this Sunday so I went to put in some time getting ready for it. I had Chris Flowers from Nashville TN, with me, Chris and I began the morning checking areas with search baits, we caught several but no consistent pattern was developing. We moved around the Hales Bar area of the lake and still were catching 1 here and 1 there. I decided we would go hit some docks and flip some, so we headed away from Hales Bar and found some docks with laydowns, we caught some more fish, several in the 3lb class. We moved again to the Hales Bar area of the lake and began working some areas with the TN rig, we found an active school and caught about 16lbs in just a few minutes. We moved around and located some other fish holding on current breaks, the TVA was pulling the lake very hard today. I had spoke to a couple of gentlemen while putting in and they had stated the lake had been pulled a couple of feet over the last 2 days, the waterline confirmed that. Water was stained to clear, temps ran from 52-55 depending, some of the grass is beginning to come up. Most of our fish related to wood or brush in 7-11 ft of water. Also caught a 50lb catfish....that was a heck of a fight. Look forward to more reports. Book your day soon as March is filling up.