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The middle of December someone stole my 15ft Alumcraft jon boat from my yard in Willard, Utah. I am offering a $500 reward to anyone who can help me recover it. I have posted the reward and information on KSL Classifies at [url ""][/url][/url][/url] .
I have had the boat for over thirty years and it was in perfect condition rigged as a bass boat with a 2005 Mercury outboard. It has/had the bases for my two depth finders and two of my best roads and one tackle bag.

Number on boat is UT 0382 BT
15ft Alumcraft
Cox trailer
2005 Mercury 2 cyc serial # 1B141647

[#ff0000]If you look at the picture you will see the boat as a red (maroon) decal (strip) running from the front to the back. I put it on so I am sure no one else has a boat like this. This will make easy to spot. Thanks again....!
I had planned to leave it to my grandson. If you see it or suspect you see it call me anytime day or night at 435 452-1716.
I hope you see it and will be $500 richer!

Here is more information that may help you if you are in a similar sitution:
Thanks to everyone who has replied and looking for my boat!

I found out something today when I went to the DMV to get a duplicate registration that was shocking. I know this does not sound like it is true...but after four hours of investigation today I verified this.
It someone steals your boat and the police send in the report....IT DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY SHOW UP AT THE DVM! Honestly. When I asked the DMV if someone walked in with the registration papers that were in the boat, signed my name, and paid the fees would they register the boat. They replied YES they would. I called the SLC DVM and they verified this to be true. You have to file a registration cancellation with DMV and if someone tries to register the boat it will then come up as being stolen. On the form you fill out you have to state why you are canceling the registration and that is how the DMV knows it is stolen. They said their system would in the future flag the regisration to all agencies, but not yet.

This was quite eye opening! Thanks to everyone who is looking for my boat. I feel like I have a lost a close friend...having fished hundreds of waters over thirty years in that boat.

Cooper Abrams
Sorry to hear this. I wish you the best in recovering your craft and will keep my eye out for a jon boat with those markings.
If I could make a suggestion- post your pics that you have on ksl on this thread, too. Inline if you can. A lot more people will see it and hopefully you will have more eyes that might recognize it!
Thanks! I will do that. I wish I had better pictures, but I never thought I would need them. Thanks for you looking and wish you God's best.
That sucks man!!!
What does it say there on the back Lowe?
I wil keep my eye open. Hope some one catches the scum of the earth who took it!!!
I'll keep an eye out down here in Utah County. 500.00 reward? A six pack of barley beverage is more than enough for me. Sorry for the loss. Hope someone finds it.
Pictures, pictures, pictures ... I would be glad to help you post pics of your boat if you happen to have some.

Lots of guys on this site to keep an eye out for it.

What a shame!
Pictures would be great, I will post them and show them to my buddies. You can use the $500 for bail money for me if I find the guy.
Hope you get your craft back. I will keep an eye out for it. And as stated before. Pics pics pics always help.
It is a dirty shame, and I hope someone spots it.

There are pictures on the KSL link. Maybe he needs some help on how to post pictures on here.
[quote fsh4fun05] Pictures would be great, I will post them and show them to my buddies. You can use the $500 for bail money for me if I find the guy.[/quote]+1 John. Gawd I hate thieves!
Have your turned in a police report and alerted the tax comission? Since both the boat and trailer have to be registered (and probably soon) let them know that it has been stolen. They theives probably will try to sell it to someone else but hopefully there will be some sort of trail back to the scum!
When I had a motor stolen from my boat, the Officer that took my info said that most of these thefts are from drug users. They pawn what they steal for drug money.
You may want to check with Pawn Shops. The motor will probably be taken off the boat and sold separately.
The boat is too easy to recognize and may get swamped.

I hope that you will be able to get it back. Best of luck to you.
+1, I can't stand thieves. I hope someone knee caps the scum bag who stole it.
How about some better description on it,size motor and make for both gas and electric and some special dents and dings that would easily be noticed in case they have tried to cover it up lets get this out there and see if we can locate it and use the thieves as cut bait[Wink]
or just bottom structure !!!!
[quote feeeshon] use the thieves as cut bait[Wink]
or just bottom structure !!!![/quote]

+1 [cool]
Bummer dude! Glad you took some pics. Have you asked the cops if they have any highway survelliance from the cameras?

At least you have that red line on the side. Keep reminding us with pics throughout the year. Those F*(#$#^@%% son of a )(*#&$# lowlifes will be itchin to dump it on somebody. They had to have some kind of connections to Willard neighbors. Probably end up in Ogden somewhere.
I found out something today when I went to the DMV to get a duplicate registration that was shocking. I know this does not sound like it is true...but after four hours of investigation today I verified this.
It someone steals your boat and the police send in the report....IT DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY SHOW UP AT THE DVM! Honestly. When I asked the DMV if someone walked in with the registration papers that were in the boat, signed my name, and paid the fees would they register the boat. They replied YES they would. I called the SLC DVM and they verified this to be true. You have to file a registration cancellation with DMV and if someone tries to register the boat it will then come up as being stolen. On the form you fill out you have state why you are canceling the registration and that is the way the DMV will see if someone tries to register it.
This was quite eye opening! Thanks to everyone who is looking for my boat. I feel like I have a lost a close friend...having fished hundreds of water over thirty years in that boat.
Ah the DMV... did you talk to Selma or Patty?

One experience I had at the DMV was in trying to register a boat I had bought from a guy, but it was still registered in another guys name - not yet expired. One day I went in with a bundle of paperwork I got from the guy - insurance papers, bill of sale from him to me, the old registration . . .
So I hand it all over.
WELL - Selma gets a hold of it. It's Thursday before the July 4th weekend. I want to get the boat legal so I can take the family out - maiden voyage.
But NOOOOOooooooo. I don't have a bill of sale from the guy who it's registered to - to the guy I bought it from. Ok - like why would I? Cannot convince her to take my money and give me the damned sticker.

So - I come back in the next week - after they are closed from Friday (govt office!) thru the long weekend. I specifically go to Patty's window this time, and drop down - bill of sale, nothing more. Boom - she's pulling out stickers, and filling in VIN numbers, and swipe - we're off.

The fact the police system and DMV aren't connected really doesn't surprise me.
I moved homes some 5 years ago. Went to the DMV and gave them a change-of-address. It was written on a little yellow posty note.
Anywho - turns out the CAR licensing, and the PEOPLE licensing divisions are - well, just that - DIVISIONS! One hand does NOT talk to the other! Some years later I learn my drivers license has expired! Good thing Barney wasn't the one to point THAT out to me!
And I thought after 9-11 we overhauled our infrastructures to share a whole lot more! But maybe that's only if you're a terrorist scoping out a dam from a boat!

Learned of a fellow who lives next to some water. Just leaves a boat out on the shore. Someone up and stole it - patched it up, and put it up for sale. The guy actually bought his OWN boat back! Just too darned nice a feller to make a stink! Gather the crooks up and moved pretty promptly - but what gall.
Really sorry to hear it - especially when it obviously has such sentimental value, and good intentions for future use!
I'll keep my eyes open for ya! I fish a flat-bottom too, so who knows - might be sharing some waters! (Harpoons a-READY! AIM!). Maybe I'll "meet" them when I'm Bow-fishing! [mad]
[quote uttarheel]I feel like I have a lost a close friend...having fished hundreds of water over thirty years in that boat.[/quote]

Man, that just puts a knot in my stomach. Shame, shame, shame on he who stole it. Some people just have no concience.
I hate people that steal from outhers that work hard to get what they want,, and i can just imagine how many good times you had in that good old boat ,, damn low lifes, if I see your boat you'll get it back one way or the outher!!! Now you have a lot of people looking for your boat!!! But like said before some dings on the boat or the outboard would help....