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Full Version: Deer Creek Strawberry Berry (report)
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Well I took a few hours on Wednesday to get ready for a walleye/trout trip to Deer Creek. I had to do some work on the trailer skids and replace a taillight from my last Utah Lake trip. Got all the work done and then worked on the gear for the trip. Had the boat completly loaded that night and ready to go. I left the house around 6 am and two miles down the highway a truck throws a rock and chips the windshield that I replaced two weeks ago. Not much I can do about that so I start to think about those toothy walleye. Get to Deer Creek pay $5.00 ( The winter rates are now in effect) and proceed to get the boat ready to launch at the Island ramp. The ramp is being extented 100 ft and is closed , so I try to launch to the side. The bottom was too soft and I was unable to launch. I pull the boat out and go to resecure the boat and I broke the same taillight. a rock I guess.Now I am out $5.00 , a windshield and a taillight. I am ready for some r&r. So I go to Strawberry pay my $4.00 and fish. The fishing was good until 11am when the front started to come in and the waves got big. I caught mostly slot fish on white tube jigs and spoons. I did get one nice 24" Cutt that was fat fat fat.

On the way out I stopped to look at the kokes in the river. A lot of fish in the stream, some 4 plus pounds. I sat on the bank and enjoyed the view, Take your kids up, now is a great time to see the last run of these landlocked salmon.
It sounds like you had one of those days where Murphys law was in effect. If anything can go wrong it will. But am glad you got some fish anyway, made it all worh while.Good report
So what were the launching conditions at Deer Creek? Have to have 4x4, only small boats, can you launch at all????

Give us the possibilities of fishing deer creek from a boat....

Thanks for the Launching information in advance..


First the State park launch is closed and blocked off. I went to the Island launch and tried to launch and got the 4X4 all the way in and still could not float the boat. I walked that whole shoreline and found no good drop off. There is no more island or Charleston Bay. The beach is has very soft mud, we are past the gravel line. I could not recommend launching on the lake. The DWR stocked many rainbows and I saw guys catching them from shore. I think there will be a lot of hold overs for next year when we can launch again.