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Full Version: Boat captians needed for UVU Bass tourny, please!!!!
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The UVU Bass Club is having our first ever club qualifier on Sat. March 24th. I am looking for people to help out and be boat captains for this tournament. We need four more boat captains. It is on Utah Lake and we will be launching out of Lindon Boat Harbor at 11am and finishing at 5pm. If anyone is willing to help us out or knows anyone that might be willing to help, we would be more than appreciative. We will be providing $40 to each boat captain to help with gas. I know it's not much but it could be an opportunity to research the lake and maybe prefish a little if you are fishing the tournament there the week after. If anyone is interested please let me know. Thanks so much to eveyone that has already committed and to all those who participated and attended Bass University.