03-19-2012, 09:00 AM
I called James to see if he could fish for a while at dark, he was all over it. We met at around 6:30 and fished two spots before getting on some good crappie. Used 1/32 oz jigs with PAs. Ended up with 15 with 14 of them really nice big ones. I think that all of the 14 were a pound or better. We caught 2 or three other crappie that were not keepers. Great bunch of fish for a short trip. I took them home, put them in my live well bucket at the dock and went down just a few minutes later too fillet them and all but two had gotten out as the top of the bucket wasn't on tight enough. I could have kicked myself but luckily there are more where they came from. Hope to get back out a few more times this week.